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Be a Beach Stud This Summer With Chest Reduction for Men

If you have the dreaded man boobs, you know it isn’t a serious medical problem, but it sure can take a toll on your confidence and self-esteem. With the best days of summer ahead and time at the beach and pool planned, don’t be the guy who feels like he has to keep his shirt on.

Chest reduction procedures offered at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center can help you achieve a chest that you’re proud to flaunt. You can turn heads at the beach this summer – read on to learn how.

Man boobs have many causes

Gynecomastia is the medical term for man boobs. Often, your chest area looks somewhat like a woman’s breasts – you don’t achieve rounded, body-builder bulk but have a softer, teardrop shape.

Man boobs, or gynecomastia, can affect younger and older men. Often it’s because of a genetic condition that causes a hormone imbalance in your estrogen and testosterone levels. Your chest issues may also result from low testosterone levels that occur with aging or extra high levels due to steroid usage.

Men who carry excess weight can also develop man boobs. Sometimes you lose the extra pounds, but your body continues to carry it in your chest.

Even if you commit to cardio workouts to melt fat and diligently lift weights, you may find your man boobs are reluctant to reduce. Many men find that their chest just doesn’t reflect their commitment to workouts and makes them look flabby, rather than fit.

Regardless of the reason for your gynecomastia, there is a solution.

Chest reduction is simple and effective

At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, Dr. Yaqub Baraki uses laser liposuction to reduce extra breast tissue and tighten up your chest. The doctor places small, inconspicuous incisions and inserts cannulas, or small tubes, in areas to be reduced. Laser energy is then applied to liquify and melt unwanted chest fat. The energy also tightens the skin with a variety of wavelengths. The extra fat is vacuumed out through the cannulas.

The result is a beautifully defined, contoured, and tight chest region.

Recovery after chest reduction

Recovery is relatively quick, meaning you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy the beach this summer with your newly reformed chest. Following treatment you will be instructed to wear a special compression garment around the chest to enhance healing. As soon as swelling reduces, Dr. Baraki clears you for most daily activities — usually in about a week. Exercise, including weight training, may be resumed about two weeks after your chest reduction procedure. Get ready to head to the shore, shirtless, and show off your defined chest.

Many men also choose laser liposuction to melt fat on the waistline and abdomen, too.

If you’re tired of coping with a flabby chest, contact Lansdowne Aesthetic Center to learn if you’re a candidate for chest reduction procedures. Feel proud, rather than embarrassed when you take off your shirt to hit the water, sand, and sun. Call the office in Leesburg/Ashburn, Virginia, or book online to schedule your appointment today.

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