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Benefits of Renuvion J-Plasma

Skin inevitably ages – you can’t avoid the passing of years. The long-term effects of gravity set in, and cells lose their integrity. Certain factors accelerate aging, too, including sun exposure, pollutants, genetics, diet, and substance use.

The good news is that you don’t have to just live with sagging, lax skin. Skin tightening doesn’t mean you have to endure painful surgery with long recovery times either. At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Yaqub Baraki, MD offers innovative Renuvion/J-Plasma® skin tightening to tighten stretched skin and help you look rejuvenated and youthful.

Read on to learn how you can benefit from this unique skin-tightening treatment at our Baltimore, Maryland office.

About Renuvion/J-Plasma

Renuvion/J-Plasma uses a combination therapy of helium plasma and radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and promote cellular rejuvenation. The procedure is safe and targeted, preventing any trauma to surrounding tissue. Renuvion/J-Plasma is even, controlled, and precise, making it ideal for a wide variety of treatment areas.

During a Renuvion procedure, Dr. Baraki makes a tiny incision just under the top layer of skin into which he places the treatment device. The device then delivers controlled radiofrequency energy that contracts the skin. Almost simultaneously, the device sends in helium gas to effectively cool the treatment area.

The combined effect of heating and cooling contracts the tissues just under your dermis, resulting in effective tightening without surgery.

Treatment areas

Renuvion/J-Plasma can tighten skin in just about any area where lax skin is a complaint. These include the:

The procedure replaces surgical “lift” procedures in these areas, such as a thigh lift or arm lift.

Benefits of Renuvion/J-Plasma

Renuvion/J-Plasma is minimally invasive and has a much shorter recovery time than an invasive surgical procedure. Downtime following treatment lasts just a few days. The procedure results in minimal scarring as the incisions are placed in discrete areas that heal quickly.

With Renuvion/J-Plasma, you get natural, almost instant results. The skin-tightening effect continues to progress over time, too. The procedure is effective on large areas of your body, but can be so precise that it tightens otherwise hard-to-treat areas on the face and neck. With tighter skin, fine lines around your eyes, cheeks, and lips disappear.

The best candidates for Renuvion/J-Plasma

You’ll undergo a thorough health evaluation prior to Renuvion/J-Plasma procedures. Dr. Baraki will also help you understand what to expect with the treatment. Although Renuvion/J-Plasma is incredibly precise and effective, he wants you to have realistic expectations.

If you have moderate-to-severe loose skin, such as from significant weight loss, you may be a better candidate for other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or thigh lift.

If you have lax, sagging skin that ages your face or body and makes you feel self-conscious, contact Lansdowne Aesthetic Center. Call the office, or book online to set up a free consultation and find out if Renuvion/J-Plasma is right for you or if we can offer another effective procedure to help you achieve your best look. 

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