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Here's How to Prepare for Your S-Lift Procedure

Here's How to Prepare for Your S-Lift Procedure

In 2021, more than 87,000 facelifts were performed in the United States. This statistic includes full facelifts and S-lifts, a minimally invasive facelift

You might choose an S-lift, or segmental face lift, to lift your neck and lower third of your face. The operation is quicker and puts you at risk of fewer complications. 

Dr. Yaqub Baraki of Lansdowne Aesthetic Center often recommends an S-lift for younger patients who benefit from a facelift. It dramatically tightens sagging muscles and skin of the chin, cheeks, and neck. 

If you’ve decided that an S-lift is the right way for you to reduce the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful look, here’s how you prepare for your procedure. 

About the S-lift

This minimally invasive facelift requires just one incision. Dr. Baraki extends it in a short line above the ear, where it is hidden inside the crease of the ear. In some procedures, he also makes a very small incision under the chin. 

Dr. Baraki separates the fat and muscle so that he can use liposuction to remove the fatty tissue. You end up with a sculpted neck and jawline. The doctor tightens underlying neck muscles and removes any excess skin. 

Make sure you’re a candidate

Prior to your S-lift, Dr. Baraki will consult with you to make sure it’s the right procedure for your cosmetic goals. The best candidates are in generally good health and are usually between 30-60 years of age.

You should have only mild-to-moderate lower face and neck sagging. An S-lift helps you stay ahead of the aging process, but will not give you the comprehensive results that a full facelift will. 

Prior to your S-lift

Dr. Baraki wants to be certain that you’re healthy enough to withstand anesthesia and to heal from major surgery. He may order lab testing and a full medical evaluation to be sure. 

You may need to adjust any medications you’re currently taking or halt them for a short period of time. If you smoke, you’ll need to quit because tobacco use impairs healing. You’ll also need to avoid products like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or certain herbal supplements that increase bleeding and bruising. 

During the procedure, you will be placed under IV sedation for about four to five hours. The doctor also uses a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. 

You should also arrange for a family member or friend to drive you to and from your procedure. They should also stay with you the night following surgery to make sure everything is OK. 

Planning for recovery

You go home to recover once you come out of anesthesia and your vitals are normal. Expect some minor bruising and swelling, so arrange ahead of time to stay at home for at least four to five days and to take as much as two weeks off from work.

Recovery from an S-lift is much shorter and more manageable than recovery from a full facelift. 

If you want to learn more about the facial cosmetic procedures available at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, contact the office today. Call to speak with the friendly staff, or use the online tool to make an appointment at our Leesburg/Ashburn, Virginia office.

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