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Tummy Tuck or Liposuction: Which is Right for Your Muffin Top?

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction: Which is Right for Your Muffin Top?

Muffin top, breadloaf, pudding top, or mushroom cloud – whatever you call it – you want it gone. A poochy belly is a problem for both women and men, even those who eat healthy and are physically active. 

When conventional methods like diet and exercise don’t slim down your muffin top, surgery can help. Dr. Yaqub Baraki of Lansdowne Aesthetic Center can help you determine which surgery is right for you: a tummy tuck or liposuction.

Here’s what to know about each of these surgeries and what to consider before investing.

Liposuction and a muffin top

When you have belly flab that pours over the top of your waistband, liposuction can help remove these stubborn pockets of fat. The procedure vacuums away fat that sits just beneath your skin. 

As a result, you get a midsection that reflects your hard work in the kitchen and gym. 

Following liposuction, it’s normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Most people can resume daily activities within about 48 hours, though vigorous exercise will need to wait a few weeks. 

The majority of your recovery happens within the first two weeks, but it can take several months for all swelling to completely resolve. 

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, so they can’t plump back up. It’s important to follow a generally healthy diet and lifestyle following liposuction, however. If you do gain weight, fat cells not addressed through liposuction can still swell. 

Tummy tuck and a muffin top

Tummy tucks, or abdominoplasty, are one of the top five types of plastic surgery elected by patients. 

If your muffin top consists of subcutaneous fat and sagging skin, a tummy tuck may be the best course of treatment. Women who experienced diastasis recti during pregnancy may require a tummy tuck to repair this separation of their abdominal muscles. 

During a tummy tuck, Dr. Baraki removes excess skin, repositions and tightens slack muscles, and sucks away fat to create a taut, toned midsection. 

Because a tummy tuck is more involved than liposuction alone, you’ll need more downtime to recover. Modify activities for several weeks following the procedure. It will take several weeks for the majority of the swelling to resolve and for you to notice the final results. 

Combining the procedures for the best results

Dr. Baraki commonly includes liposuction together with a tummy tuck to get you the slimmest, most effective results when it comes to removing your muffin top. When you have sagging skin, stubborn pockets of fat, and weak abdominal muscles, the combined procedures may be the best. But, you can only know what steps will work best if you come in for a consultation.

Remember, a tummy tuck and/or liposuction are not weight loss procedures. The procedures refine your physique. You should be at or near your goal weight before undergoing these plastic surgery techniques. A tummy tuck or liposuction dramatically change the appearance of your belly, but don’t cause big changes in numbers on the scale. 

If you’re ready to find out more about how plastic surgery can help you get the body you want, contact Lansdowne Aesthetic Center today by phone, or use the online tool to schedule an appointment. Dr. Baraki uses his artful eye to help you determine which procedures are right for you. 


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