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Why You Should Only Let a Professional Administer Botox

Why You Should Only Let a Professional Administer Botox

Are you considering Botox® to boost your beauty and reduce the signs of aging? This popular injectable cosmetic has helped as many as 11 million people achieve a younger, more relaxed look and better self-confidence.

Because it’s so popular, the treatment is offered by dozens of providers – not all of whom have the qualifications and training necessary to get you optimal and safe results.

You should only let a professional, like those at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center guided by experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yaqub Baraki, administer Botox injections for you. Our office offers a comfortable, sterile, and well-equipped facility in which you can have confidence.

Here’s why our team is particularly qualified to administer Botox and other cosmetic injectables.

Botox injections require expertise

Botox is highly purified and regulated. It’s been proven safe by multiple studies. But, even with these assurances, it can still be dangerous if applied incorrectly. 

Most complications from Botox occur when it’s applied with poor injection technique or a lack of anatomy knowledge from an unskilled provider.

If you’re considering Botox, do your research. You’ll find that all injectors at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center are highly qualified to apply injections. We can offer references, so you can see our results first hand. 

Botox injections are an art

Dr. Baraki and his team have a lot of experience in giving Botox injections. They know how much you need in each location given the extent of your wrinkles and lines. Plus, they know just where to place the injections, so you avoid a “frozen” look. They help you achieve a natural, relaxed look that takes years off your face.

When applied properly, Botox relaxes fine lines and wrinkles, but still allows you to make normal facial expressions. 

Botox injections have specific uses

Botox effectively treats many medical concerns, like hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and chronic migraine, but here at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, we focus on the injectable’s cosmetic benefits. 

We use Botox to smooth the:

We may also recommend Botox to smooth out a cobblestone chin or to relax thick bands in your neck. Your qualified provider does a thorough consultation prior to your injections and makes sure to listen to your cosmetic concerns. We are honest as to what Botox can do for you and when other procedures are a better choice. 

For example, Botox can’t undo sun damage or plump thinning features like your lips. But we do offer noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures, including laser treatment and dermal fillers, to help you. 

During your consultation, your provider examines your skin and considers texture, elasticity, and degree of wrinkling. Not all facial wrinkles respond well to Botox injections. If you are pregnant or nursing, we will also ask that you not have Botox injections. If you have an active skin infection, you should wait until it’s healed to proceed with Botox injections. 

Dr. Baraki is a skilled cosmetic surgeon who has helped thousands of patients achieve the look they desire with noninvasive and surgical procedures. Call today, or use this website to schedule your Botox consultation to receive expert application and results.

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